Ernesto Lopez
With 15 years experience in the Real Estate business across various companies, I learned that to develop a great business I first had to have a good relationship with my community, based on honesty, customer service, and efficiency.
I started my Real Estate career during the market crash in 2007, it was a difficult time, however it taught me invaluable lessons, which have allowed me to help more than 400 families become homeowners.
I knew since the first week of my career as a realtor that I aspired to open my own independent realty company. Now I know that wasn’t the right moment, because to be a principal broker I needed experience, and discipline. 15 years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance later, I successfully opened UBeHome Real Estate, and became the only minority-owned real estate company on the lakeshore.

Luke Panning CFP
I was born and raised in West Michigan before moving to Ann Arbor with my wife, Katherine. We both attended Hope College and moved to pursue her medical education at the University of Michigan. In Ann Arbor, I began my career in finance and joined Baughman Capital in 2021 prior to moving back to Holland, where, as a team, we are extremely excited to continue our growth. I earned the Certified Financial Planner™ designation in 2018 and the Chartered Financial Consultant® designation in 2020. Music has played an important role in my life. I've performed for several years with my family band, with local and international artists across the country, and I was honorably discharged after serving for eight years with the "Governor's Own" Michigan 126 Army Band.
Fun fact: I've been a two-time state champion old-time fiddler.
Passions: Music, cooking, travel, hiking.

Mary Ann Abramson
Robyn Afrik
Juan Alfaro
Sylvia Aman

Kyle Ankerman
Rebecca Arenas
Thomas Arendshorst M.D.
Michael Arnold

Mary Louise Avery

Ann Baarman

Rachel Baggech
Michael Bailey
Karin Baird
Carol Baker
Melissa Baker
Lisa Bancuk
Marlene Barkel
David Barkman

Art Battle
Kurt Bauer

Douglas Bensinger
Warren Berens

Madlyn Blom

Carrie Borchers Baumann
Joyce Bos
Thomas G. Bos

Willem Bouma O.D.
John Bouwens
Judson Bradford
Taryn Bradtmueller
Kathy Bright

James Brownson
Jeannette Brownson
Gary Brugger
Tanya Bruhn
Robert Bruns

Bill Bush
Curt Bush
Josh Canan

Kathy Carrier

Christopher Cassell
Mary Margaret Cavera

Connie Clauson

Patrick Colunga

Amanda Conover
Mary Cook

Stephanie Cotts
Julie Couturier

Adam Cushman

Mark Davis
Stacy Dawe
Margret De Bruyn
Robert De Vries

Nancy DeBoer

Britt Delo

Vicki Den Boer

Kris DePree
Reezie DeVet

Mike DeWaard

Darlene DeWitt

Stephanie Dlugopolski
Jeff Dornbos
Martin Dugan
David Durham
Thomas Durkin
Amanda Dyke
Kurt Dykstra
Hal Eckel
Beth Egge
Dave Ellens
David Ellis

Charles Elwood
Kyle Erickson
Wally Ewing
Robert Fein

John Flack

Sarah Fuhs (Deceased)
Jovana Garcia

Craig Gengler P.E.
Craig is a Senior Project Manager and a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Michigan. He has dedicated most of his career to private land development projects across West Michigan. Working to provide infrastructure solutions to meet the unique needs of each client, Craig has over 10 years of experience in commercial, institutional, residential, and industrial site design. His background includes the design and management of projects ranging from small urban sites to complex industrial developments. Craig holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Michigan Technological University with a minor in Municipal Engineering.
Paul Gerbec
Robin Gibson
Virginia Giles
Heather Gill Fox
William Goebel
Gray Gogolin CLP

Christine Gould
Brandon Gualtiere
What's most important to our team is what's most important to our clients. We have more than 25 years' experience and through that, we have learned to listen. We understand that each of our clients' needs are different and financial strategies will vary across families. What does not change is our approach.
We start by listening and learning from our clients. Only then do we use an established process to develop comprehensive strategies and tactics to formulate a detailed strategy to help achieve their goals. Throughout time, we stay abreast of the latest political and legislative reform, global and domestic news and markets to keep you on track to meeting your goals.
Great things happen when you take a passion and turn it into a career. At an early age, I would dive deep into financial markets for opportunities. Today, I use that passion to help select families across the country that are looking to partner with a strategist that will help them capitalize on opportunities, navigate the unforeseen and protect their future.
I am active in the community I live and enjoy volunteering and helping improve the quality of life for others. I enjoy motorsports, coaching youth football and being on the water fishing, relaxing, wakeboarding, skiing and numerous other activities.

Vanessa Gutierrez

Chris Hall
Michael Hamilton
Kurt Hanus
Morgan Haskell

Larry Haveman

Dan Henderson
Celeste Henry
Jack Heyboer III
Christina Hinkle
Jean Hirdes
Audrey Hislop

Elisa Hoekwater

Dirk Holkeboer
Brett Holleman
Keri Hollis
Linda Holtrop

Kenneth Horjus
Crystal Horne
Dan Horne

Loren Howard

Stephanie Hughes
Brenda Hunt
Mark Huyser
Martha Ibarra

Jody Immink
My work focuses on short-term projects for companies that either cannot or do not need to hire a full-time employee. My expertise is in grant management, project administration, and all things government and non-profit.
We all know time is the only thing we can never get back, so we need to invest it wisely.
Specialties include:
Grants administration
Project administration
Affordable housing
Small businesses (15-200 employees)
Family-owned businesses
Manufacturing environments
Cross-generational environments
Becky Israels
Paul Ivkovich
Dale Jacks
Todd Jacobs
Tamara Jalving

Beth Joyce

Benjamin Kamphuis

Raechel Kamphuis

Stacy Segrist Kamphuis
Kelly Kean
Kyle Keith
Kristy Kemnic
Stacey Kiebach

Greg King

Lanell Klomparens
Melissa Kloppe

Aris Knitter-Lee
Professional. Dedicated. Neighbor.
I love my job because I get to spend my time working with clients to help them achieve their home ownership goals. Those goals can look very different from client to client. And even very different for the same client at different stages of life. I am honored when I am asked to walk along side my clients for what is usually one of the largest investment decisions one makes in life.
Each person or family brings a unique situation to the home buying and selling process. And that is just how I treat each one. I strive to meet the individual needs of each of my clients.
Being a life long resident of Western Michigan, I understand why people want to move to or remain living in the area. I've helped many families relocate to the area and its such a wonderful thing to share that experience with them, to see my home town area through their eyes. It makes me love where I live and love what I do even more.
Benjamin Koenig
Charles Kohlruss
Kevin Koning
Megan Koops-Fisher

Steven Koster
Ted Kostiuk D.O.
Calvin Kreuze
Christine Kurek
Dustin Kuzee

Nila La Duke
Randall Lamar

Carol Lenger

Katelyn Lokker
Glenn Lowe

Juan Lugo
Dawn Lund
Thomas Lutz

Jason MacGregor
Lara MacGregor
Diane Main
Dolores Mancilla
Donald Manderfeld
Brian Manderfield

Casey Marietta
Celia Martinez de Serrano

Peter Mata
Valerie Mathis-Allen
Mike Matthews

Bob McFarlane
Michael McKinley

Thomas Miersma

Mark Minkus
Charisse Mitchell
Kimberley Mitchell
Mike Mitchell
Patrick Moran
Ramona Mucciolo

William Naber

Kayser Nazmee
Dean Nelson
Arin Neucks
Judeth Newham

Steven Niedzielski
Brenda Nienhouse

Curt Nienhuis
Roz Nienhuis

Jean Obermiller

Tom Olson
Roger Oppenhuizen

Pat Ouverson

Karen Page
Tom Page

Kurt Parker
Keith Parrott
Jeanne Pepin
Robin Perkins
Lisa Perry
Dale Pinkley
Christine Piper
Glenda Plockmeyer
Dan Plumert

Anne Porter (Deceased)
Beth Post
Tamara Posthuma
Nancy Potter

Patty Ptacek

Barb Pyle

Bill Raymond
Wendy Raymond
Frederick Reed
Barbara Reicherts
Anne Reilly
Geoffrey Reynolds
Carol Rickey
Sally Rietveld

Julio Rios
Brenda Ritsema
Thomas Robbins

Ruth Rodarte

Stephen Romanella
Kara Rooks

John Ruiter
Mike Sanderson

Linda Scharlow

Tricia Schildhouse

Colleen Schipsi
Matt Schlientz

Chad Schreur

Ann Schutt
Marlene Serne
Jay Sharkey
James Sheely

Joe Sikma

Joe Silva
Ben Slenk
Amber Smith
Genny Smith
Teresa Smith

Amanda Snyder

Mark Southwell
Dale Sowders
Wendy Spoelhof
Cindy Stafford

Bruce Stewart M.D.

Joan Stuttman
Beth Swagman

Ellen Taub
Jeffrey Telman
Robert Tennant

Anthony Thaxton
Craig Theisen

Gary Thompson
Julie Thompson
Debra Tober
Mike Trethewey
Brian Troxel
Sara Turrell
Stacey Tvedten
William Uildriks
Martin Ulrich
Carolyn Ulstad
Randy Utting
Annie Valkema
Joe Van Brocklin
Ryan Van Dam
Paul van der Leek
Scot Van Der Meulen P.E.
Stan Van Kolken
Howard Van Raalte

Randy Van Vels
Mina Van Zanten
Kimberly Vande Vusse
V. Jack Vanden Berg P.T.
Aimee VandenElzen
Amy Vander Ploeg
David Vander Ploeg

Patricia VanderWall

Freda Velzen
Jo Ver Beek
Mary Vincent
Cynthia Visscher