Better Business Bureau of Western Michigan


NonProfit & Individuals


BBB is the resource to turn to for objective, unbiased information on local businesses, charities, and marketplace news. Our organization sets standards for ethical business behavior and monitors compliance; with almost 400,000 Accredited Businesses currently meeting and committing to our high standards nationwide. BBB also coaches businesses on ethical behavior and how to build stronger, more trusting relationships with their customers, local communities, and other businesses in the area. BBB helps consumers identify trustworthy businesses, and those that aren’t, through more than 4 million BBB Business Reviews. BBB’s mission is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust in order to create an ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers can trust each other. Our organization also strives to help local consumers find and recommend businesses, brands, and charities they can trust in Western Michigan. BBB Accreditation is an honor – and not every business is eligible. Businesses that meet our high standards are invited to join BBB. BBB Serving Western Michigan was founded in 1937 and serves 38 counties in the Lower Peninsula from the Indiana border to near our State's capital and north to the Mackinac Bridge.

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Lisa Frohnapfel

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