Grant Me Hope Corporate / Auction Committee
Organization Name: | ||
Phone Number: | (616) 836-7949 | |
Organization Mission / Purpose: | Grant Me Hope's goal is to help foster children find loving adoptive homes. We do this by producing TV Newsworthy videos of the children and airing them on partnering TV News stations and networks. | |
Opportunity Available: | Grant Me Hope Corporate / Auction Committee | |
Board / Committee time commitment: | The hours are M-F, 8-5pm. The Auction is end of April, annually. | |
Organization focus area(s): | Housing / Shelter Youth | |
Skillset desired: | Passion to help young adults, to make a difference! | |
Additional attributes desired: | Kindness, patience, wisdom, heart for others to succeed | |
Are there giving and/or fundraising expectations for this position? | No | |
Briefly describe your process and timeline for adding new members: | We need Christian Mentors for our aged out foster children/18+ in age. Meeting weekly with them, being an advisor/support, hopefully maintaining a permanent, on going relationship. Application needs to be submitted, background checks, interview with Homes Administrator. | |
What are the next steps for interested individuals? | Please contact Michael Wilkinson, Homes Administrator 616-928-9926 to mentor or volunteer at one of the homes, etc. Please contact Helen Zeerip, Founder for other opportunities to serve, 616-836-7949. |